Aster Lit: Florescence

Issue 5—Spring 2022


Starlit Awards in Poetry and Prose

Each issue, we hope to recognize submissions outstanding in mastery of craft or originality of voice. This issue, the winners of the Starlit Award in Poetry and the Starlit Award in Prose will receive monetary awards of $100. We are proud to grant the Spring 2022 Starlit Award to Joshua Effiong (Nigeria) and Aribah Ali (Canada). Honorable mention recipients are Lina Sawyer (Turkey) and Srijani Basu (India).

Scroll down to read the rest of the Spring 2022 Issue.


Joshua Effiong—Poetry

Starlit Award Winner

Lina Sawyer—Poetry

Honorable Mention


Aribah Ali—Prose

Starlit Award Winner

Srijani Basu—Prose

Honorable Mention



the process of blossoming

Theme Winners

Each issue, we recognize two theme winners—one for poetry and one for prose—who we believe demonstrate thoughtful and creative engagement with our theme and sophisticated use of their craft to tell compelling and unique stories. Theme winners for our Spring 2022 Issue are Ariana Thornton (United States) and Ede Emmanuel (Nigeria).

Read more about the theme here.

Ariana Thornton—Poetry


Ede Emmanuel—Prose


Themed Poetry

Abdullah Adedokun — Variency

Amalou Ouassou — My Garden Dies, Time Races And I Long To Bloom

Anushka Mishra — The beautiful mirage

Ariana Thornton persimmon tree

Belina Chong turning

Camila Hernández rite of spring — words on stillborn air

Esmé Kaplan-Kinsey — Worker Bee #13953

Eva Lewis A Cave Waters Shadows

Evan Violets an inventory of things / people blooming means to me

Isabel Li tanhua

Isabella di Angelo the minotaur of time

Joshua C. Govender — Aaya

Joshua Effiong Genesis — Self-portrait As Celestial Bodies

Lina Sawyer offering

Natasha Bredle — Home is Love & I’ll Take You With Me When I Go — The Art of Glowing — To My Neighbor Inpatient

Panjee Galarpe The Flower Field I Pass By

Sakhi Singh on a promise of drenching my fingers in paint

Saptarshi Bhowmick Neon and Street Lights

Sharon Neema

Shreya Mukherjee green apples

Unthemed Poetry

China Roberto inherited grief

Erin Mauricio

Fiona Jin the Young Adult's urge at midnight

Sunday Saheed That We Are Clay Plates

Sandra Dolores Gómez-Amador Unwritten


Aribah AliSnails on the Sidewalk

Ede Emmanuel — Florescent

Hannah Armour — A Couple of Voyeurs

Hussameddine Al Attar Fleur

Jordan Davidson — Genocide Girls Has Pretty Alliteration

Srijani Basu — Azaadi


Note from the Editors

As bluejays and butterflies return from the South, the sunset casts shadows on blooming asters. Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere—an Earth renewing with budding branches. As writers and as readers, we are captivated by the rebirth symbolized by the onset of spring.

This issue, we received 480 fantastic submissions from 50 countries. Like the change and warmth brought by the spring, our hearts and minds were renewed by the people, the lives, the stories you told. We were so grateful to have the opportunity to review your work. To our wonderful global constellation of stars—our readers, our submitters, our Instagram followers, our podcast listeners, and everyone reading this message right now—thank you for making Aster Lit possible. Through the beauty reborn in this season and the light breezes that caress your cheek by the lakeside, your voices have truly inspired us.

As always, choosing our pieces for publication was painstakingly difficult. We truly wish we could publish every submission we receive. However, don’t worry if your piece didn’t make it this time. Our Summer 2022 Issue will be open for submissions starting in mid-April, and we would love to see you submit! We can’t wait to read more of your amazing work. In the meantime, you can follow us on Instagram (@aster.lit) to stay involved with our community and receive updates on issue submissions.

We love you. Your voice matters. Keep telling stories.


The Aster Lit Team