Aster Lit: Metamorphosis

Issue 3—Fall 2021


Transitar (Original Spanish)

Daniela Pérez Taborda, Colombia

En la desnudez crecen amapolas
y las formas se diluyen.
Olvidé los matices de quienes habitaron
mis ciudades,
los veleros del puerto
se han llevado la antigua piel,
pero han prometido retornar
al nacimiento.

La extranjera que se anuda a los huesos
vino de la respiración del agua,
su interior es una habitación transparente
donde saltan niñas que descubren
la voz de los cometas al hilar lo eterno.

Transit (English Translation)

Daniela Pérez Taborda, Columbia

Poppies grow in nakedness
and forms are diluted.
I forgot the shades of those who inhabited my cities,
the sailboats of the port
have taken the old skin with them,
but they have promised to return
to the birth.

The foreigner that is knotted to the bones
came from the breath of water,
its interior is a transparent room
where little girls jump and discover
the voice of comets spinning the eternal.

Daniela Pérez Taborda has participated in the Hopscotch Literature Workshop that is held in her municipality. Her texts have been published in four anthologies of this workshop and in national and international magazines and anthologies.