Aster Lit: Apricity
Issue 4—Winter 2021
When You Fled
Murtaza Jawandwala, India
for how long will you sleep, O’ golden one
will you walk back into the wilderness
when the woods can do nothing but stare?
will you smile as their forms will shed?
can you see the angels that lie blue & dead,
cold and unmoving, with their wings torn & spread
all the way out so they could reach your warmth
as their feathers were being plucked by my cold hands
their screams turned cold as their tears froze
all I wanted to do, was help
but my touch was a curse as I always knew
still I couldn’t stop reaching out
‘cause I, their host, stayed when you fled
with your eyes golden & dreamy
back to the sea, with its eyes blue and steamy
to hide behind its folds made of silk
for how long will you sleep, O’ golden one
will you open your eyes when the world is veiled,
beneath the net of white and silver?
will you laugh as its threads will pierce their skin?
does it amuse you when I walk naked
through your land, amongst your admirers?
stripped bare of all warmth and full of icy pain
as I put my bare hands on their breathing chests
as their last breath turn to flakes
like petals of a blue rose that has withered
I’m sure it reaches your abode
‘cause ‘tis I who blows it your way
whisper your golden-tongued sympathies
when you walk back amongst the dead
speak softly as you come closer
‘cause your presence is enough of a yell
O’ for how long will you sleep, you golden one?
till I sink down halfway into the silver feathers,
calling your name with my raspy breath
till my knees bleed and turn all the flakes red?
for when you visit make sure to be distant
don’t step closer, just shine where it doesn’t hurt
free your victims & make sure to cut the chains
Bid them bye with all the warmth you can spare
on my mortal being your divinity is fatal
so fall softly, let my skin glow
don’t burn me, just touch me a little
‘cause your warmth is all I know
put your golden hands on me & trace the cold lines
don’t press too hard, just caress the skin
free of the cold knives, in your light it shines
‘cause that is all it can do before fading
for how long will you look at me, O’ golden one
till I offer some words of solace?
do you seek some warmth from the coldness that spills
from the cracks beneath my feet and in my wings?
O’ go away you proud one, enough damage your ego has done
as doom resides on your land and feeds over your dead
all you can do is stand and stare at the vestiges of life
‘cause I, their destruction, stayed when you fled.
Murtaza is a student who loves to write fiction and poetry in his free time. He loves to read and paint as well and when he is not doing any of this stuff, you will find him daydreaming about being in fictional worlds and making fake scenarios in his head. Though being indecisive and confused is something he excels at, you won't find him bragging about it.