Aster Lit: Et Cetera

Issue 11—Spring 2024

Blessing on the Breeze

Ritabrata Ghosh, India

We can interpret the image in a way that aligns with the idea of "et cetera". The lone piece of cloth hanging from the tree branch could symbolize something forgotten or left behind. It could be a scarf, a flag, or even a piece of laundry. Its presence on the tree suggests that the person who tied it there intended to leave it back there as a medicament against someone's religious faith, which in itself is an ongoing strength of nature. The unseen items or reasons behind leaving the scarf hanging there represent the "et cetera" - the endless possibilities or explanations beyond what we can see in the image.

Artist Bio: A student of Calcutta University by daylight and a writer by dark, has penned three books on poetry, collaborated on over thirty-five anthologies, and has been nominated for the Unicorn Magazine (Poet of the Year) Award, Spectrum Sahitya Awards, OWR (Official World Records), Harvard World Records, and SAARC brilliance awards. He is contributing to book reviews for significant organizations and widely recognised writers. Furthermore, he is the head of R.G.Opus Annual Magazine.