et cetera

Aster Lit Issue 11

et cetera


1) the inclusion of further, similar ideas


et cetera


2) and the rest (direct translation from Latin)

remains, continuation, and so on and so forth

what can we say for the things that have gone unsaid? where do we draw the line between what is included and what is left in ambiguity?

what et ceteras are hidden within your endings?


a letter filled with buried scraps

after the main idea, what do we scribble in the margins?

what splinters off the pinnacle of impact? what lingers after the climax?

read the editors’ reflections

What does et cetera mean to the Aster Lit team? What images, ideas, and emotions does it invoke? Read our editors’ reflections on the theme here.



Submit to Issue 11 here.

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Robert Browning

“I give the fight up: let there be an end, a privacy, an obscure nook for me.”

Roger von Oech

“Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might be.”

Maya Angelou

“I left the room because, and only because, we had said all we could say. The unsaid words pushed roughly against the thoughts that we had no crafts to verbalize, and crowded the room to uneasiness.”

Kathleen Glasgow

“Everyone has that moment I think, the moment when something so momentous happens that it rips your very being into small pieces.”

Fiona Barton

“The unsaid is a powerful tool. It invites the reader into the narrative, filling in gaps, interpreting silences and half-finished sentences, and seeing the hidden fear in someone's eye.”

Ocean Vuong

“Perhaps it was not a destination I sought, but merely a continuation.”

Thomas Reid

“There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words.”

Audre Lorde

“Tell them about how you're never really a whole person if you remain silent, because there's always that one little piece inside you that wants to be spoken out, and if you keep ignoring it, it gets madder and madder and hotter and hotter, and if you don't speak it out one day it will just up and punch you in the mouth from the inside.”