Aster Lit: Et Cetera
Issue 11—Spring 2024
A Teaspoon Speaks
Arundhathi Anil, India
I slant against the cup’s rim,
my limb flicked out, and clink
my back against ceramic, to make
tea-drinking a barbaric affair.
I’m out like a sore thumb, or some
phallic symbol in the smooth-talking
sphere of British domesticity.
I can’t see why it is, they leave me in
paddling at times, given I’m a tool
of restraint and exactitude, there to
touch so much indulgence, like Laura’s
Manuka honey that really shouldn’t be
touched by me – the little metal child
handled approximately, a mirror for your
everyday sensibility. For the young poet
I am a stainless-steel empire.
Arundhathi Anil is an Indian poet and English Literature graduate from the University of York. Her work has appeared in the Lucent Dreaming Magazine, Frontier Magazine, Ice Lolly Review, Looking Glass Anthology and Yolk Literary Journal. In her spare time, she enjoys translating Malayalam poetry and attending literature festivals